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Lauren McMillian, AMFT

Primary Therapist

A native to Los Angeles I get it; the constant hustle, traffic, the grind of working to pay for life not psychotherapy. I know you’ve got valid reasons for why this isn’t the best time to get help but I’m calling your bluff. This is the “right time” because there will never be a right time to get well.

I graduated from Antioch University Los Angeles with a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology specializing in Child Studies. Antioch’s program prepared me for this field through a culturally sensitive and expansive lens, that honed in on the emotional, environmental, and neurological development. My therapeutic approach is collaborative; focusing on Family Structural Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and Dialectic Behavior Therapy. Utilizing Art, Bibliotherapy, Music, Dance and Mindfulness to assist clients as they navigate trauma and recovery.