
Rachel Simmons, ASW

Primary Therapist

Rachel is an associate social worker specializing in providing comprehensive support through therapeutic and spiritual integration, fostering self-exploration and healing. With a master’s degree in social work from USC and a background in Yoga and Tibetan Buddhist traditions, Rachel seamlessly merges these disciplines.

Transitioning from a successful law career to a purpose-driven path focused on Yoga, Meditation, and Integrative Nutrition, Rachel employs a compassionate yet direct approach rooted in Systems Theory. She brings extensive experience with diverse clients, applying evidence-based therapies such as CBT, Motivational Interviewing, DBT, CFT, ACT, and Problem-Solving Therapy.

Sessions with Rachel incorporate a psychodynamic psychoanalytic approach, emphasizing relational dynamics and exploring depth-oriented psychology tailored to each client’s unique needs. She values therapeutic dialogue and evolving client-therapist relationships, addressing a wide range of topics including anxieties, relationships, codependency, relapse prevention, attachment issues, childhood experiences, goals, mindfulness practices, and emotional processing.

Rachel is dedicated to guiding transformative therapeutic journeys, nurturing growth, and promoting overall well-being.