Tips For a Successful Drug Intervention

Witnessing a loved one struggle with drug addiction is heartbreaking, frustrating, and sad. You’ve tried everything you know to steer them toward the help they need to get sober. Despite your best efforts, the one you love slides further into the abyss of substance abuse. You fear your loved one may never recover and end up in jail, hospital, or even dead. When all hope is lost, a drug intervention may provide the motivation your loved one needs to get serious about recovery.

The ARTS IOP is a drug rehab in the San Fernando Valley that can help you and your loved ones today. Call now to learn more about our San Fernando Valley treatment options.

What is a Drug Intervention?

Drug intervention programs are a carefully planned process involving the friends and family of the addict. With the help of an experienced drug intervention specialist, selected friends, and family confront the addict about the consequences of their substance use. According to Mayo Clinic, the intervention itself has three main objectives:

  • Provides specific examples of destructive behaviors and their impact on your loved one with the addiction and family and friends.
  • Offers a prearranged treatment plan with clear steps, goals, and guidelines.
  • Spells out what each person will do if your loved one refuses to accept treatment.

Does Your Loved One Need a Drug Intervention?

While it is apparent that your loved one needs help for their addiction, you may be torn regarding whether you need the help of drug interventionists. A drug intervention is necessary if your loved one is resistant to treatment or has several failed attempts at drug treatment. Addicts operate under a heavy state of denial, and they are the last ones to see the consequences of their behavior. A drug intervention specialist will help you design an intervention that will help your loved one see the devastation caused by their substance abuse.

Tips For A Successful Drug Intervention

Confronting a loved one about their addiction is often a highly volatile affair. In planning a drug intervention, intense feelings of anger and resentment bubble to the surface. When you add the frustrating behavior of the addict into the mix, the situation can become explosive. If this occurs, the addict will further distance themselves from the family and further away from the help they need to get sober.

The following drug intervention tips will ensure the process runs as smoothly as possible and increases the chances your loved one accepts treatment:

Take Time to Plan

Interventions take considerable time to plan. The best interventions take several weeks to become organized. Trying to hold a drug intervention on the spur of the moment is a recipe for disaster. If you are looking to plan an intervention for a loved one, work with a drug intervention specialist.

Do Your Homework

For an intervention to run smoothly, you must do your homework. Learn as much as you can about your loved one’s addiction so that you understand as much as possible about their condition.

Plan a Specific Time and Place for the Intervention

A crucial component of planning a successful intervention is choosing the right time and place. You must choose a time when your loved one is least likely to be under the influence. You must also choose a place that is a neutral site for both the addict and your family and friends.

Pick a Liaison

When working with drug interventionists, it is wise to choose a single person to act as a point person. This ensures proper communication and that the intervention stays on track.

Stage a Rehearsal

Do a run-through of the intervention with those who will be involved. This rehearsal will help you choose who will speak, what order they will speak, sitting arrangements, and other details.

Anticipate Objections

As stated earlier, addicts live in heavy denial regarding their substance abuse. Expect your loved one to object to treatment or to accept responsibility for their behavior. While difficult, offer support to make good choices. This will help keep the drug intervention on track.

Ask for an Immediate Answer

The best case scenario for an intervention is to take an immediate answer from the addict concerning treatment. Allowing your loved one a few days “to think about it” will allow them to continue to live in denial and not seek help. If your loved one refuses help, be prepared to follow through with the actions agreed to in the planning phase. These can include distancing yourself from the addict or cutting off any financial support.

Get Sober For a Lifetime With Help From ARTS IOP

Has your loved one decided to get the help they need to get clean and sober for good? ARTS IOP is California’s premier intensive outpatient drug treatment center. With multiple levels of care and treatment staff with years of proven experience, ARTS IOP will give your loved one and tools and support they need to beat back addiction for a lifetime. Call us right now to learn more about how we can help.

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